12世紀の僧侶、栄西の言葉に「お茶は不老不死の妙薬である」とあります。日本の茶文化を形成する上で重要な役割を果たした栄西は、中国からお茶の種と知識を持ち帰り、今に続く茶栽培の基礎を築きました。栄西とお茶の話は、 薬用、儀式、文化的な目的で茶を飲むという長い歴史における重要な一節です。

Ha Tea

Horizon tea bowl (L)
Porcelain tea preparation bowl
Horizon tea bowl (M)
Porcelain tea bowl
Horizon cup
Porcelain tea cup

The Horizon Collection
To gaze out towards the horizon is to look beyond the here and the now. It is a chance to move beyond the minutiae of everyday life to consider the world and our place within it. This line, separating earth and sky, inspired the design of the Horizon collection. The collection of tea ware includes vessels, made from porcelain mixed with earth, and bamboo utensils for the preparation of matcha. Gentle forms and subtle variations in texture and finish enhance the vessels, which are designed with sharing in mind.